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               All papers submitted through easychair will be peer reviewed and valuated for its originality, technical content and innovation in ideas and implementation. All registered papers will be published in online journal with ISSN and good global impact factor.Status of Paper acceptance for oral presentation, poster presentation and recommendations for Journal publication will be updated on the website.


                 Selected papers of RTCCSIPA'17 will be published in one of the following journals which are listed in Anna University Chennai Annexure II - 2017 at additional cost.


                        1. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Sl.No.8565).
                        2. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences(sl.No.1765)
                        3. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research(Sl.No.15772)
International Journal of Student Research in Technology & Management [eISSN 2321-2543]
                        5. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research (Sl.No.14378)
                        6. World Applied Sciences Journal(Sl.No.20411)

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